教务处电话:020-36362458 ,86169029
广东协和神学院前身是广州协和神学院(Canton Union Theological College),广州协和神学院创立于1914年,由美国长老会、加拿大长老会、新西兰长老会、英国伦敦会、美国公理会、美国同寅会、英国圣公会及英国循道会八个差会,以及中华基督教会广东协会、中华圣公会华南教区和中华基督教循道公会华南教区三大公会,先后加入,联合兴办,故取“协和”(Union)之意。后来两广浸信会联会、粤赣信义会总会、崇真会总会和礼贤会总会加入,曾一度成为岭南大学的一个学院,称“岭南大学协和神学院”。1960年停办,1986年复办神学院,为表示对神学院的历史传承和服务广东教会的宗旨,故取名为:广东协和神学院,英文名为Guangdong Union Theological Seminary。
The Profile of Guangdong Union Theological Seminary
The predecessor of Guangdong Union Theological Seminary(广东协和神学院) is Canton Union Theological College(广州协和神学院), which was founded in 1914 and run jointly by eight mission societies and three denominational conventions: American Presbyterian Mission, Canadian Presbyterian Mission, New Zealand Presbyterian Mission, London Mission Society, American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions(Congregational church), United Brethren in Christ (American), Church Mission Society, Wesleyan Methodist Mission Society of England; The Canton Synod of Church of Christ in China, The Chinese Anglican Church in South China Diocese, The Chinese Methodist Church in South China Diocese; therefore it was called “Union”. Later four more joined in: The Baptist Convention of Guangdong and Guangxi Province, Lutheran Synod of Guangdong and Jiangxi Province, Basel Mission, Rhenish Church. It once became a college of Lingnan University with the name “Union Theological College of Lingnan University”. It was closed in 1960 and re-established in 1986 with the name “Guangdong Union Theological Seminary” in order to show respect for the history and its purpose to serve the church in Guangdong.
Guangdong Union Theological Seminary started humbly within Dongshan Church of Guangzhou in 1986, and later it was moved to the ex-Bishop House of Anglican Church in Sha’mian in 1994; and on the 30th of November, 2001, it finally settled down to its present campus which is located in Dongping Village, Baiyun District of Guangzhou with the construction area of 10,000 square meters. It now boasts of several buildings: a teaching building, a library, a students’ dormitory building, a dining hall, an open church called “The Union Church”, and the building for pastoral staff which is under preparation, as well as the indoor and outdoor sports area.
The school system was just two-year-college at the beginning of it’s re-establishment, in order to train preachers for the church as quickly as possible; later it was changed to three-year-college in order to train more qualified talents. Up till now, the Seminary has produced more than 420 college graduates, and has trained about 600 students who attended the pastoral training courses. Its graduates cover about 75% of the total number of Guangdong’s pastoral staff. The majority of the graduates serve in Guangdong Province while the minority serves in Hai’nan Province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Currently, 106 students are studying on the campus in three different grades. Our seminary was approved to run an experimental undergraduate program by the State Administration for Religious Affairs in August, 2009, therefore we began to enroll undergraduates in 2009. However we maintain the enrollment and teaching of three-year-college students at the same time, so we have two schooling systems. Most of our students come from Guangdong Province.
The book collection in the library amounts to 30,000, and we are trying to make that number reach 50,000 in the near future.
Currently we have fourrteen full-time teachers: four with PhD degree, nine with master’s degree, and one with bachelor’s degree. Several teachers have received further studies in overseas seminaries. Besides, we also have eleven visiting teachers to teach some general courses such as college Chinese, law, politics, history, philosophy, logic, psychology, religious rules, patriotic education, Socialist theory, P.E. lessons and vocal lessons. The major courses include Bible background study, introduction to the Old Testament & New Testament, study of different books in the Bible, O.T. theology and N.T. theology; systemic theology, Christian ethics, the construction of Chinese Christian theological thoughts; western church history, Chinese church history, history of Christian thoughts; pastoral psychology, liturgy, hermeneutics, preaching, spiritual theology, church administration; basic English, theological English, basic music theory, sacred music, etc.
百度百科 http://baike.baidu.com/item/广东协和神学院
【广州协和神学院】校史拾遗(一)穆德会议 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA3NzcyMTU5Nw==&mid=2648659596&idx=1&sn=63744585aed501bf7e9f12ecdc5e712a&chksm=87664c1eb011c508dadef3659198cbc42698c95138beccea2c4a5ca8fd19c093d0e389cc38bd&mpshare=1&scene=1&srcid=0504988e974Cp4d926LWRClh#rd
【广州协和神学院】校史拾遗(二)教务的演变 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA3NzcyMTU5Nw==&mid=2648659602&idx=1&sn=f9999f88c9b34f9774271db51c83ce44&chksm=87664c00b011c516a905bf07895624ca1c683f93ff2c964c4776a7ab75fd72fa7082706f336c&mpshare=1&scene=1&srcid=0504JFjNwMwYhMIxvuMuONUL#rd
【广州协和神学院】校史拾遗(三)神学生生活及《神学学生月报》的发行 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA3NzcyMTU5Nw==&mid=2648659606&idx=1&sn=e6e959f2ac8c3c8a2ce3abfa06c28075&chksm=87664c04b011c51251d5246123132cefec02faa39bf5d58e3b0a2e84956fb024fa51347d3cfa&mpshare=1&scene=1&srcid=0504zCggII2edTZWmjaw49Pa#rd
百度百科 http://baike.baidu.com/item/广东协和神学院
【广州协和神学院】校史拾遗(一)穆德会议 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA3NzcyMTU5Nw==&mid=2648659596&idx=1&sn=63744585aed501bf7e9f12ecdc5e712a&chksm=87664c1eb011c508dadef3659198cbc42698c95138beccea2c4a5ca8fd19c093d0e389cc38bd&mpshare=1&scene=1&srcid=0504988e974Cp4d926LWRClh#rd
【广州协和神学院】校史拾遗(二)教务的演变 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA3NzcyMTU5Nw==&mid=2648659602&idx=1&sn=f9999f88c9b34f9774271db51c83ce44&chksm=87664c00b011c516a905bf07895624ca1c683f93ff2c964c4776a7ab75fd72fa7082706f336c&mpshare=1&scene=1&srcid=0504JFjNwMwYhMIxvuMuONUL#rd
【广州协和神学院】校史拾遗(三)神学生生活及《神学学生月报》的发行 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA3NzcyMTU5Nw==&mid=2648659606&idx=1&sn=e6e959f2ac8c3c8a2ce3abfa06c28075&chksm=87664c04b011c51251d5246123132cefec02faa39bf5d58e3b0a2e84956fb024fa51347d3cfa&mpshare=1&scene=1&srcid=0504zCggII2edTZWmjaw49Pa#rd